Our vision

The world is full of surprises and interesting things. Information is the basis of our development and comes to us gradually as we go through life.

Nature and its perfection proves its strength and wisdom to us every day. For thousands of years, people have been trying to figure out how to best care for their teeth and mouth. The genius of the Salvadora Persian tree roots did not reach Europe until the beginning of the twenty-first century AD. It is surprising that such a banal matter as a piece of tree root did not reach Europe earlier along with other spices, fruits and vegetables of the Afro-Arab world.

We are pleased that we can be the messenger of useful information. Our work and commitment gives Europeans the opportunity to use the power of a thousand-year tradition of oral hygiene. Thanks to the quality of our products, many enjoy their favorite food more, and others enjoy and smile more at others because they feel good about the condition and appearance of their teeth.

If thanks to us you are learning about Siwak and Miswak brushes for the first time, we are happy that we were able to surprise you with something new and we believe that you will not resist trying.

If you want to buy one of our brushes, use the shops of our sales partners.

Siwak Miswak with case is a great accessory on your holiday